ARMA MECHANICS designed and developed an innovative 2-axis solar tracking system,   ARMA 20T.

 It belongs to the flat and round tracking systems category. Each unit holds up to 20 panels. The horizontal movement (East - West) is enabled by a gear rotating inside a chain. The up - down movement is enabled by a rotating screw - nut actuator system.Both movements are powered by motor - reducer sets. Motors are activated either manually or by the central PLC, which directs the 2 movements in order for the solar panel surfaces to remain vertical to solar beams. The vertical position is attested by comparing the current produced by 2 small guide panels inclined at 90o  to each other on either side of each one of the 2 dimensions, that is one pair for the horizontal moevement and one for the vertical one.  The sun's constant movement increases these current differences and, when they are above a set treshold, the respective movement is activated, until the difference is eliminated. The eastword movement happens at a set time in the afternoon.

Aν anemometer monitors wind speed and above a set limit, panels are stowed in the horizontal position to avoid being damaged. All limits and tresholds are easily, on the spot, adjustable to fit local and/or seasonal conditions. 

ARMA 20T is made of hot dip galvanized steel beams. It's fixed on prefabricated concrete pedestals, enabling installations even on sandy grounds. Poling is avoided, thus ensuring long lasting endurance, absolutely necassary for solar projects. 

ARMA 20T yields up to 40 % more compared to fixed tilt systems. It represents a profitable investment, especially in FIT (Feed In Tarrif) projects. Higher maintenace costs are easily reccuped by higher yields,

ARMA 20 T is certified for static adequacy by MIRTEC.


Download: ARMA 20T